Sunday, November 6, 2011

Forever posers.

Why hello there! I hope everyone's having a blessed Sunday! I had my Youth on Mission meeting today which went fabulously! We even got to have cake even though the birthday boy wasn't there(FYI, I made an awesome stand-in for him, voice and everything!). Anywho! We had a little extra time while we were waiting for some of the youths' rides so the rest of the youth that were there got to be in my new blog post!
As you can see we are all very experienced models! Not to mention we all have extraordinary taste;)
And of course we're always there to pick each other up!
Oh and a little back story on this dress! I had seen this dress a while ago in Macy's for $60, then I was in there the other day and what do you know, they had it for $7! Moral of the story: Wait! Because most likely they'll put it on sale and then you can tell everyone about the great sale you found!
I'm not really sure what this says about our youth group.....

Youth group's #1 modeling tip:Have a very together picture and then have one of your friends just walk around aimlessly.
We're very close:)
Thank you for reading! Sending vibes of love and peace your way:)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Back in pearls...

  Why hello! Sorry I haven't been posting regularly, I had some things going on. But now I'm back!

As you can see I used my leotard again, which just goes to show how many different ways it can be used!
Not only is my skirt plaid but my heels are as well. Don't shy away from using two different plaids together.
A side braid is a quick and easy way to make it look like you actually did something with your hair. And a strand of pearls always makes you appear polished. Oh don't worry, my skirt is trimmed with lace! You can't forget about lace:)